Man falls in love with his long-lost mum after tracking her on Facebook. | Omogs Blog

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Man falls in love with his long-lost mum after tracking her on Facebook.

Shane Burke Rose Bestall

19-years old Shane Burke,who lives in Manchester,used Facebook to track down his mother Rose Bestall 35,after being apart for 13 years and ended up falling in love with her.

After an emotional reunion,Shane became confused about his feelings towards Rose and developed romantic feelings.

Rose, who gave up Shane for adoption when he was 5,revealed the declaration of love left with her with a massive dilemma.

She said ''i knew Shane's feelings were completely inappropriate but i had searched for him for so long and i didn't want to push him again.''

''I told him i loved him unconditionally as his mum and our relationship will never be anything else.''

Rose from Ashford Surrey,became pregnant with Shane by accident at age 15 for her boyfriend John Smith,who was also 15.Social services took Shane into Foster care because she was too young to look after him,and was later adopted by a couple in Manchester.

Rose, who has four children and married to Darryl 33,took a custody battle to the high court,but a judge held that Shane was already settled with his adoptive parents.

Shane felt incomplete during his life and always wondered about his parents.He was given his parents names by adoptive mum and dad but he was blocked from contacting Rose,through Facebook due to her privacy settings.

In October,Shane sent a picture of himself to her son Nicholas,which she instantly recognised due to his resemblance with his dad.

After chatting online they had a tear-jerking reunion before Shane came to stay with her for a few weeks.

Shane said ''now i love Rose because she is my mum,nothing more,i will call her Rose as we are still adjusting but maybe in time i will call her mum.

The reunion picture below.
Shane Burke and Mother Rose Bestall

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