President Obama Endorsed Hillary Clinton as his successor. | Omogs Blog

Friday 10 June 2016

President Obama Endorsed Hillary Clinton as his successor.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and US President Barack Obama

President Barrack Obama officially endorsed former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for president on thursday saying he is ''fired up''for the Presumptive Democratic candidate.

In a prerecoreded video released on thursday,Obama clinged into Hillary campaign slogan letting his supporters know he is with her and pledging them to camapaign for Hillary.The president endorsement come eight years and two days after Hillary did the same for him.

''I know how hard this job can be,that's why i know Hillary will be good at it,''Obama said.''Infact i don't think there is anyone so qualified to hold this office.She's got the courage,the compassion,and the heart to get the job done.

''I have seen her judgement,toughness,commitment to out value up close''said Obama.

Watch the video below


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